Friday, January 13, 2012

January 12th

...was fantastic!

I don't know what went wrong yesterday. Maybe I just had a bad day, and it had nothing to do with blood sugar. Maybe I was stressed, and stress affects blood sugar. Maybe it was the teeny, tiny bit of caffeine I had in a bit of chocolate I got in class (unlikely). No matter what it was, I felt stable and calm and happy all day today.

- 2 calcium chews
- 1 cup Corn Bran with 3/4 cup blueberries and 1 cup of soymilk (I only put about 1/2 cup in, and just drank the other half)

- Sandwich thin with pb and honey

- Purity beef stew (this stuff is NOT good for you...but it was in my calorie and carb range, and I crave it sometimes)

- 1/4 cup granola, around 3/4 cup yogurt (2 containers), and 1/2 cup blueberries

- Chicken wraps (2)

- More granola and yogurt and berries

It was a pretty perfect day food-wise. Calories: 1937, Carbs: 260

I was aiming for 200 grams of carbs per day, but I've read that 50% of your total calories should come from carbs. If I'm trying to eat around 2000 calories a day, then it should be 250. Ultimately, it's whatever makes me feel best. I felt fantastic with 260 today.

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