Thursday, January 19, 2012


I've been doing okay in the eating department lately. I usually don't meet my goal (2000 calories and 250 grams of carbohydrates, spread more or less evenly across 6 meals). But I get close.

One reason I haven't been meeting my goal is something I'm going to call "negative food momentum." Once I start eating, I have a really hard time stopping. This is especially true if I ate something unhealthy.

For example, I had nachos for lunch today. They aren't very food for me, but they were delicious. But then I had a tiny bit of sour cream and salsa left in my bowl, so I had a whole other half serving of tortilla chips. Then I fought desperately against the urge to eat something sweet, before giving in and getting this delicious cup of very sugary coffee:

I haven't had coffee in three weeks...I can't drink it without tons of sugar and whitener. Over and above that, caffeine can affect blood sugar, so I've been avoiding it.

The half-hour or so after I eat is a huge danger zone for me. Some of the ways I have of coping with it are
1) Lay down for 15-20 minutes
2) Go for a walk
3) Make sure to eat every three hours (it's more likely to happen if I've gone 4-5)

However, it's hard to resist the temptation, especially at night. I think if I can overcome the eating momentum at night, I'll start meeting my goal.

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